Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why a Non-Christian supports Chick-Fil-A

It may surprise you, but I am a progressive, liberal, socialist, non-christian, gay rights supporter...but I am supporting Chick-fil-A.

"Holy shit" you say! "How is that possible"?

Well it may further surprise you, that I have boycotted Chick-Fil-A before.  I know, your liberal butt hurt mind just fucking exploded didn't it. In the past I have boycotted them for being a christian company. I was much more anti-christian at that time. That's right, butt hurt libtard. I boycotted that shit before it was cool. Where the fuck were you?

I have actually worked on that dudes property and his fucking cows look nothing like this!

You know where you were? Not being fucking educated. That's where you were. They are a christian company. They aren't open on Sunday. DUH! Your money goes to christian people who support christian ideals. Do you know what christian ideals are? No you probably don't.

Your probably someone that considers yourself a christian and has no fucking clue what the bible says about gay people. For real...read the fucking bible! The Christian God does not like you. Read that shit!


Eventually, I became less anti-christian and decided to eat their delicious fried chicken sandwiches. For a while I loved it. Especially the Honey Mustard sauce that they have, that is misleadingly called roasted barbecue something something sauce. But the fact is the food costs too damn much for what you pay. You don't get enough. If I am paying $10 for fast food then I want to be full.


Full like this fat fuck.

I don't want to sit there and think "man, I need another sandwich". So my boycott is on for a different reason.
Until now. Now, someone finally discovered that Chick-Fil-A is a christian corporation...no shit! The owner is christian...damn I didn't know that. And to make it worse they support christian fundamentals...holy fuck, christian fundamentals...what's that?

Fundamentals like 'gays suck'. Well Christian fundamentals don't get into what they suck...we have the internet for that.

So, now we get into me. I would be described as liberal, perhaps socialist, I have no problems with gays and think they should marry, if they can't marry then they should certainly have a legal union available to them. So why the fuck would I not support gays on this issue?

It is simple.


 We have the freedom of religion in this country, and as far as I care the freedom from religion. All the other fast food companies would never stand for any religious beliefs. Why? Because they have none. Money is their religion and they would never stand up for what they believe in because it will piss someone off. Pissed off people don't spend money at your business.

I support Chick-Fil-A for standing behind their beliefs and saying what we believe is more important than money. Mother fucking hurrah for them. I wish more people actually stood up for what they believe in.

Now, do I support what Chick-Fil-A stands for? Fuck no. But I stand for their right to say or do, whatever they want. And gays, I still stand for your right to fuck whatever you want.

As long as it is not a child, animal or me.

Unless your a lipstick lesbian and want some man sausage for dinner, mines extra juicy.


  1. Occupy My Pants :-)July 31, 2012 at 10:12 PM

    So...yeah. The sausage thing I think was a bit too much but I agree with what you're saying. They've always been Christian so why boycott them just because they're exercising their right of Freedom of Religion? I think the boycott should more accurately be entitled "Occupy Chik-fil-A" because that's really what it's about. You can't oppress an opnion for gay marriage,etc., just as much as you can't oppress an opinion for it. It's called Freedom of Speech for a reason.

  2. Occupy My Pants Part Deux :-)July 31, 2012 at 10:16 PM

    Besides, conservatives have been posting this thing about "Where were the liberals when Obama opposed Gay Marriage?" That's a good question. And for the grammar Nazis...*opinion*.

  3. I believe in God and am fully aware of what the Bible says about gays... However I also know it says love one another, not love one another UNLESS ... I also recall learning that no sin is greater or less than another ... Therefore me having an unkind thought is a sin the same as me walking up to the annoying person causinvg me to have the unkind thought and slapping them so I just skip the unkind thought ... Jk .. My point is I believe in and love God and hate no one... I feel that discrimination is a sin... I feel that none of us have the right to judge because we are all imperfect ...

    1. Appreciate your opinion, thanks for reading.

  4. I believe in God and am fully aware of what the Bible says about gays... However I also know it says love one another, not love one another UNLESS ... I also recall learning that no sin is greater or less than another ... Therefore me having an unkind thought is a sin the same as me walking up to the annoying person causinvg me to have the unkind thought and slapping them so I just skip the unkind thought ... Jk .. My point is I believe in and love God and hate no one... I feel that discrimination is a sin... I feel that none of us have the right to judge because we are all imperfect ...

  5. I believe in God and am fully aware of what the Bible says about gays... However I also know it says love one another, not love one another UNLESS ... I also recall learning that no sin is greater or less than another ... Therefore me having an unkind thought is a sin the same as me walking up to the annoying person causinvg me to have the unkind thought and slapping them so I just skip the unkind thought ... Jk .. My point is I believe in and love God and hate no one... I feel that discrimination is a sin... I feel that none of us have the right to judge because we are all imperfect ...

  6. Sorry about that posting so many times... I'm not quite sure why it did ...

    1. Hey it makes it look like this post is more popular than it is!

  7. I think the problem today is that there are so many people striving for equality, and we don't need more people shutting anyone down. Let presidents of companies believe what they want, but, just because that's their belief doesn't mean that the rest of the company shares it.(or do they?) And really? gays hate their parents? And god? and invent ways to deceive each other and the rest of the world? That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. Truthfully, religious people who are anti-gay use religion as a shield because they are too cowardly to show the world that they are the bigoted ones.
