Thursday, March 6, 2014

When I Am President... Yoga Pants

When I am president... it will be legal to pinch or slap the ass of any woman wearing tights or yoga pants in public. 

BUT... you must say "nice ass" after doing so. 

Exchange of contact info is optional.

Dear World of Porn:

Dear world of Porn:

If your going to film a new girl... how about shaving her fucking arms?
The cooch has been shaved but you couldn't take an extra 5 minutes to shave her fucking man forearms?

When I Am President... Urinals

When I'm President... I will require ever mens bathroom to have at least one urinal and one toilet. This law is the fault of you pussy whipped men that have to leave the seat down. You fucking pussies.

Because of you assholes I have to touch a the toilet seat (that has your ass on it and is inches away from piss and shit) and then my dick. Fuck you assholes for that. Because of you everyone has to pay. Now get ready to put in some fucking urinals.